Saxon Insurance Brokers Ltd
3rd Floor, The Blade
Abbey Square
Reading, Berkshire
Shipowners Protection and Indemnity (P&|) insurance provides cover for the numerous legal liabilities that shipowners are exposed to during the operation of their ships. Examples include cargo damage, collision and jetty damage, crew injury and oil pollution. This list of exposures is growing rapidly as the IMO continues to create further regulations, inclusive of mandatory obligations to produce evidence of insurance cover to entitle port entry.
Company has developed its own Medical Enhancement Scheme for Seafarers (Medisea), which employs the same checks and tests as an EPEME, for seafarers serving on board our Members’ vessels. However, unlike other EPEMEs, Medisea also makes additional considerations to ensure the positive mental health and wellbeing of seafarers. These additional tests make the Medisea examination more comprehensive than other standard statutory medical examinations as required by the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 and any other industry medicals that may be undertaken (e.g. Oil and Gas UK).
Protection & Indemnity